Location: Zimba District, Zambia
Project Overview
In order to attain the Ministry of Health’s goal of bringing health service delivery as close to the families as possible in a clean, caring and competent environment, there is need to ensure the availability of adequate health care infrastructure to support health care to communities in rural areas.
Situated in the South Eastern part of Zimba District, about 55 km from the Zimba Central Business District in the Southern Province of Zambia is a rural township called Njabalombe. The area hosts communities that were displaced during the construction of the Kariba Dam and has no medical facilities to provide health care to its remote populace. Families walk long distances to access medical health care. As such, the community of Njabalombe has been facing challenges in receiving the necessary health services due to the absence of accessible health facilities in the area. Using a trust fund, the Zambezi Valley Development Fund (ZVDF), the Zambezi River Authority in liaison with other key stakeholders saw the dire need to construct a health post within this catchment area which will bring the much-needed health services within reach. The health facility will deliver primary health care services that include prevention, treatment, care and support services. This will be complemented by community-based interventions aimed at preventing and controlling the spread of diseases.
The purpose of this health post will include the following:
- to provide primary health care services.
- to implement public health programmes and education to the community so as to help prevent and control the spread of diseases through community-based interventions.
- to facilitate community sensitization and mobilization through Safe Motherhood Action Groups (SMAGs), Neighborhood Health Committees (NHCs) and many others.
- to provide child health services (immunizations, growth monitoring); maternal services; reproductive and adolescent health.
- to provide information, communication, and education on health issues to the community.
- to conduct outreach activities and programs as well as provision of integrated health services (in conjunction with Departments of Community Development & Social Welfare).
Project Status (March 2021)
Construction of the Njabalombe Health Post is on-going and has reached an advanced stage of completion. The scope of work involves construction of the Out-Patient Department (OPD), Maternity Annex, Admission Ward, and two Staff Houses. Provision of the water reticulation system is also part of the project scope and has been completed. The availability of water has greatly helped the contractor as this was a major challenge during the earlier phases of construction.