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Market Sounding For Development Of The Batoka Gorge Hydro-Electric Scheme

15 July 2017

The Zambezi River Authority (hereinafter referred to as “the Authority”), a statutory body jointly owned by the Governments of the Republics of Zambia and Zimbabwe has been mandated by these Governments to develop the Batoka Gorge Hydro-Electric Scheme (BGHES).

The proposed BGHES was conceived in 1972 out of a study instituted by the Authority’s predecessor, the Central African Power Corporation, and is currently envisaged to consist of a Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Dam with two underground power stations (One on the North Bank and one on the South Bank) with an installed Capacity of 2400MW (2x1200 MW). It will be located on the Zambezi River approximately 54 km downstream of the Victoria Falls.

In developing the BGHES, the Authority together with its advisors, are currently reviewing and updating the engineering feasibility studies and environmental & social impact assessment, as well as developing possible financial and commercial development modes. As part of this development, the Authority intends to, through a Market Sounding process, engage with market potential participants (Equity providers, Debt providers and Construction Contractors or Technical Services providers) to solicit feedback on possible transaction and commercial development modes.

This Market Sounding process is not part of any procurement process for the Project participants. Therefore, the participants to the Market Sounding process shall not consider that their responses or participation would be in any way used for bidding purposes.

The Authority invites parties who are interested in the Project to register their interest, after which, the Authority will engage with a selected number of parties and discuss the Project in the coming weeks.

Parties may register their interest by forwarding a brief description (2 pages) of their organisation to the address below by 18th July 2015.

Batoka Gorge HES – Market Sounding

Edward Kabwe, Finance Director
Zambezi River Authority
Kariba House, 32 Cha Cha Cha Road
P O Box 30233
LUSAKA 10101

Tel:  +260 211 227469/227970

Ezekiel Kasaro, Project Manager Batoka Gorge HES
Zambezi River Authority
Kariba House, 32 Cha Cha Cha Road
P O Box 30233
LUSAKA 10101

Tel:  +260 211 238665/227970